Well that is the season of ‘Summer’ passing for awhile now. As a queenslander I do not relish the though of an approaching winter, but I am becoming more tolerant of the cold as the years go by and I love winter gardening.

Here are a few pics of my summer harvest (2 full gardens of tomatoes are definitely not too much in my books) The green sludge looking stuff is kale and coriander pesto from another garden, and the last 2 photos are of last winters spinach and brassica garden. This is one of the things that I am looking forward to – winter crop planting.

Love to hear if anyone has any yummy cabbage recipes as I also have an abundance of big green cabbages at the moment. I love my vege gardens but I mostly wanted to get across the point of eating fruit and vegetables that are fresh and in season. Sourced and grown locally is best.

Autumn in Chinese Medicine is the season of dryness and wind, associated with the organs of the Lungs and Large Intestine (each season of the year is linked to specific organs). In the clinic I often see an increase in patients suffering dry persistent coughs, dry sore throats and constipation. The windy weather brings with it an increase in chesty colds and runny noses.

Wearing a scarf in the cooler wind can help to ward of this, as can starting to eat warmer, slower cooked foods. These are easier for your digestive system to process and help support the immune system and nourish the body as the weather slowly starts to cool.

So don’t forget that non-needle acupuncture can help your babies and kids get better quicker from these autumn ailments and start slow cooking those stews and soups. More tips on eating for the seasons and your personal health can be discussed at your next appointment. Enjoy the lovely hot days while they are here!img_1756 img_1758 img_1941 img_1109 img_3204